This weekend we moved into our new house! Only about a block away, so the move was pretty quick. (OK, maybe not to the guys hauling the furniture) but the trips were fast...even though there were many, back and forth!
Now I have some serious work cut out for me. LOTS of unpacking to do, there is still some other stuff at the old house to collect...and last but certainly not least, the decor in this house has GOT to go. I'm not complaining though, I'll love ripping down the horrid wallpaper and painting everything. (Remember that burgundy, forest green and dusty rose phase? It still exists in this house, quite strongly...)
Other than the gaggy decor, the house really does have a lot of character! Lots of old woodwork and fixtures etc.
We did however turn on the old electric fireplace and decided that we would not ever do that again.
The smell, the sparks...my life flashing before my eyes...Ok, it wasn't that bad. But I really don't think it's safe.
The main floor washroom though is probably more dangerous than the fireplace.

I was sure I was going to have a seizure when I walked in for the first time! (no, those are not my "beauty" products...these were from the MLS listings. I think the woman who lived here before me may have had some pretty big hair;)
My family has been drawing straws over who gets to take the first rip off of that wallpaper.
It will have to wait though, because we're doing the kitchen first. We discovered that the "back splash" is actually textured wallpaper...(these people had a real thing for wallpaper!)
We're going to get paint later this week, I think I'm leaning towards a light buttery yellow. Very farmhouse, cottagey. (amongst myself, my mom and my sisters, "cottagey" is indeed a word.)

Notice that busy green trim around the top? It goes through most of the house. I can't wait to pull it down. Oh, and the carpeting and the living room. I'm counting down the days until we yank that out too! (hardwood underneath, is being covered up by what USED to be shag carpet, 20 years ago. eek!)
Now that I've thoroughly picked apart the house, (and there is so much more ...but it would be a novel) I will say, I LOVE this house. The layout is perfect, the rooms are big, I have a really decent sized studio space (with a DOOR!) our yard is awesome, and the character of this house will shine through soon.
I can't wait to make it ours. Bit by bit it will become our home sweet home.