5 Nov 2010

Click your heels..

I've been trying to get my etsy art/print shop open again since being on vacation and I've been working on some new originals. So far though the gallery has been getting them all because it's a busy time of year and they're selling fast, but I'm hoping to have a few for my etsy shop soon too.        
Today I was missing Kansas a little so I painted this one. It's pretty tiny, only 4.5cm X 4.5cm, I blew it up slightly so that you could actually see it. 
This will be in the gallery on Monday, along with a couple more. I'll be sure to have some prints made for my shop though, and some new originals!


  1. Which gallery do you sell your work at? I lived in Hamilton and would love to tell people to go see your work.

  2. Its great that they are selling too fast to go in the shop! Congrats!

  3. Thanks guys! Johanna, It's a newer co-operative gallery on Ottawa street-we just opened last april;) ( www.allsortsgallery.com )
    When did you move??
